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International Academy of Financial Consumers
International Review of Financial Consumers
Consumer Grievance Redress in Indian Insurance Markets
/ Vimal Balasubramaniam⋅Aishwarya Gawali⋅Renuka Sane⋅Srishti Sharma
Consumer Protection Mechanisms in the Polish Market of Unit-linked Insurance Products
/ Iwona Dorota Czechowska⋅Joanna Stępińska
Consumer Protection in Insurance Contracts: The Need for a ‘Treating Customers Fairly’ Regime
/ Andrew Schmulow⋅Baladev Dayaram⋅Sian Mullen
Bifurcated Substantive and Legislatively-Technical Understanding of the Differences in the UK Statutory “Consumer” Definitions Applicable to Insurance
/ Yong Han
Vol.8 No.2 (December)
The Moderating Role of Fintech App Usage in Lower-Income Households in Malaysia: A Financial Well-Being Roadmap
/ Mohamad Fazli Sabri⋅Siti Shazwani Ahmad Suhaimi⋅Nur Shuhamin Nazuri⋅
Amirah Shazana Magli⋅Nik Ahmad Suffian Burhan⋅Mohd. Amim Othman
Financial Impact of COVID-19 on the Livelihood of Urban Poor: A Study on
Dhaka Metropolis Slum Dwellers of Bangladesh
/ Muhammad Ziaulhaq Mamun
Stabilize Market Sentiment to Protect Investors in the Vietnamese Stock Market
/ Anh Tram Luong⋅Thanh Trung Le⋅Huong Thi Thu Phung
Tasks Remaining for Revitalizing Japanese Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI): Toward Strengthening Victim Protection in Changing Circumstances
/ Kazumi Naito
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